Speechless Sunday | Salt Water

“The cure for anything is salt water – sweat, tears or the sea.” – Isak Dinesen (pen name of Baroness Karen Blixen)

My intention for this post is not to get into any details right now, but to reach out and share this beautiful photo and one of my favorite quotes in true Speechless Sunday fashion.

Most of my social interaction as of late has been on Instagram (If you’re on there, follow me @JennsAdventures or leave your username in a comment below and I’ll find you. 🙂 ) leaving the blog somewhat stagnate — which is ok because I will catch you up on everything…eventually!

Here are a few Instagram posts to sum up the tough realities and character building trials and tribulations going on in my life right now requiring SALT WATER:

Prayer Warriors Needed
Sadness + Fury = A New Passion
Don’t Take Your Body & Health For Granted
God Thinks I’m a Badass

Please continue to keep my Dad lifted up in prayer — may the Lord’s Will be to heal him from head to toe. Right now we’ll take comfort and strength!

Also, please keep Sandy’s Dad in your prayers as well (Boston Bound Brunette). Her Dad underwent surgery on 04/29/13 for a hernia repair & needs to heal quickly.

These two amazing men in our ilves are fighting similar battles and could use all the prayer warriors they can get. Please don’t take your health or your families health for granted. I passionately spoke out about this here: Respect Your Body.


If you participate in Speechless Sundays, remember to link your post below!

Jenn's Adventures
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